Star Ocean: The Second Story

Discover the world of Expel in this popular JRPG from Tri-Ace.


Star Ocean: The Second Story is a Japanese Role-Playing game developed by Tri-Ace and released in 1999 under the publisher Enix, before they merged with Squaresoft. It takes place 20 years after the events of the first game, but prior knowledge is not required to understand The Second Story. The game has sold over 1 million copies worldwide, and was remade for the PSP under the name Star Ocean: The Second Evolution.


Star Ocean: The Second Story allows the player to choose one of two main characters at the beginning of the game – Claude C. Kenny, son of the war hero Ronixis J. Kenny; or Rena Lanford, a peaceful girl living in a small rural village. The overall plot remains the same for each, but there are certain scenes and characters exclusive to each. Claude is suddenly transported to Rena’s home planet of Expel when investigating some ruins on an alien planet, and her village recognizes him as the Hero of Light of their legends. Claude tries to explain that it’s a misunderstanding, but ends up traveling with her to investigate the Sorcery Globe, a meteorite that recently crashed on the planet and seems to be causing animals to go berserk and attack people. At first, Claude tries repeatedly to get in contact with his father and their ship; but when he finally does, he realizes that he’d much rather stay on Expel with Rena. The story unfolds as they uncover more secrets and end up on another planet with their fellow travelers they pick up on the way.


Claude Kenny

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Along with Rena, Claude is one of the main heroes of Star Ocean.  Claude is the son of Ronixis Kenny, captain of the Calnus. While on an away team sent to investigate a strange signal coming from the planet Milocinia, Claude gets caught in a transporter beam and is teleported to a far away planet called Expel.  In Claude's efforts to find a way home, he becomes involved in a quest to save Expel. Race: Human
Race: Human
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male                                        
Age: 19 years old



Rena Lanford

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Along with Claude, Rena is one of the main heroes in Star Ocean. Rena Lanford's journey begins with one of her many travels into the Shingo Forest.  After traveling further into the forest than ever before, Rena gets attacked by a beast. She is then rescued by a mysterious stranger wielding a "Sword of Light" who turns out to be Claude.  Rena believes that Claude is a Legendary Warrior, who was coming was foretold.
Race: Nedian
Type: Mage
Gender: Female
Age: 17 years old

Celine Jules

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Celine is a child of well known mages from Mars Village.  Celine practices the Heraldic Arts, and uses her abilites to explore the dungeons and caves of Expel.  She searches for the thrill of danger, as well as for all of the treasures they contain.

Race: Expel
Type: Mage
Gender: Female
Age: 23 years old

Ashton Anchors

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Ashton is a "Sword for hire" who often ends up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  When you first meet Ashton, he is victim to an accident that has caused him to be fused with the two headed dragon he had been fighting.  He joins your quest with the hopes of finding a way to cure what has happened.

Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Age: 20 years old

Precis F. Neumann

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Precis is a incredibly perky, hyper inventor.  Precis is from the town of Linga, and is from a long line of respected inventors.  She develops a crush on Claude which causes her to join the party.

Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Female
Age: 16 years old

Opera Vectra

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Opera is from an extremely wealthy family on the highly advanced planet of Tetragenes.  Opera crash landed on Expel while searching for her boyfriend named Ernest.  Opera joins your party in hopes of finding her Boyfriend

Race: Tegragenes
Type: Fighter
Gender: Female
Age: 23 years old

Bowman Jean

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Bowman is a pharmacist, and runs a small pharmacy in Linga.  Despite his appearance, Bowman is a skilled fighter who craves for adventure.

Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Age: 27 years old

Ernest Raviede

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Ernest is an archaeologist from the advanced planet of Tetragenes.  He came to Expel to research some ruins.  He is the boyfriend of Opera Vectra.

Race: Tetragenes
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Age: 35 years old

Leon Geeste

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Leon is a scientific prodigy, and works with his parents inside of Lacour Castle.  They research magical ways to help Expel fight off evil brought on by the Sorcery Globe.

Race: Fellpool
Type: Mage

Gender: Male
Age: 12 years old

Dias Flac

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Dias is a friend of Rena, who is extremely skilled with a blade.  You often get to see him prove it in battle, however due to his preference to travel alone causes him not to join your party.

Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male

Age: 25 years old

Noel Chandler

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Noel is the caretaker of the Cavern of the Red.  He aides you as you travel through the cavern as you attempt to tame the last wild Synard.

Race: Nedian
Type: Mage
Gender: Male
Age: 24 years old

Chisato Madison

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Chisato is a reporter for the Nede Chronicle.  She follows your party looking for a good story while you travel around Nede.

Race: Nedian
Type: Fighter
Gender: Female
Age: 22 Years old


 Combat in Star Ocean 2
 Combat in Star Ocean 2

The combat uses a random battle mechanic, and the battles themselves are fought in real-time (except for spell animations). Up to four characters can be

in battle simultaneously, with the player controlling one and the computer handling the others. There are a variety of AI settings and formations to choose from to make fighting easier. The system allows the player to run around freely in the battle area, which is useful for dodging enemy attacks and choosing which enemy to attack first. There is a simple attack button, which causes the character to run up to the nearest enemy and attack with their weapon. There are also special techniques characters can learn that can be assigned to the L1 and R1 buttons. This limits the player-controlled character to only two techniques in battle, but they can be swapped out of battle. Techniques level up and get more powerful the more they are used.